Wednesday, April 30, 2014

the youth yearns

During my usual late night rituals of reading, homework, laundry etc I came across articles about our youth in America. These articles caused me to think and remember a few summers back when I was a camp counselor for troubled youth in SE Dc. I spent 6 weeks mentoring boys between the ages of 12 and 16, yea it was a real experience. So most of the boys loved and respected me I'd take them to fields to play football and create games for them to play. The organization was comprised of mostly volunteers, I being one of them but it was a hell of an experience. One boy in particular Dante he was about 15 at the time, he was a rowdy, loud mouthed, wanna thug type of kid. After the first 2 weeks I had gained the trust of most of the boys mostly I feel because I didn't harass them when I caught them smoking cigarettes in the church parking lot or because I was the youngest counselor on the premises. Anyhoo I had a hard time getting through to him and he was often time disruptive to the groups so one day I took a chance and pulled him aside. I asked him what he aspired to be. His response to me was a dope boy, he had ambitions of taking over his block and being the man of sorts. My initial response was a laugh and I asked him if he had already started on this path. He told me he had and had no aspirations of even finishing high school. I shook my head and told him to come inside with me. Once inside I broke down the numbers to him. As follows so keep up hope if you're reading this you're decent with math. okay leggo. If you spend 50 to 75$ on a half of an ounce of mid grade cheap weed you get 14 grams if you sell each gram separately you get 140$ okay so you spent  let's say 70 so you made 70$ but how long did that take? You stand on that corner for 8 hours to make 14 separate sales each sale is a risk to your freedom and livelihood if caught by the police. So for 8 hours 14 sales and 70$. I then broke it down further a cashier can make 7.50 to 9.00$ hourly working in safety with little risk of arrest. You can bust tables and make that same amount in that same amount of time. If so fact o then 8 hours  at McDonald's at 7.50 so 8. times 7.50 is 84$. At this point his eyes start to light up. I told him if you are in fact selling drugs you should be able to keep up with the math. Next in this camp we gave young boys opportunity to learn skills and build relations with construction, woodworking, and  retail thrift stores. That being said if you (speaking to Dante) actually took time to learn and lead as he was a natural leader and get his diploma in a matter of 2 years he could actually be on a construction site where he could make 11-13$ as a beginner (His eyes really got big now) Then the math becomes even at part time 11$ an hour lets say 8 hours a day 3-4 days he's looking at 24-32 hours a week times 11$ an hour comes out to about 250 to 350$ a week leaving him free time to as I told him go to school, talk to girls, buy his clothes shoes whatever. I also explained to him that if he did in fact get locked up the odds of him going anywhere were down the drain. He just stared at me after this no snarky rebuttal....I felt bad and followed up with telling him that he is obviously a natural born leader as many of the other kids followed his lead and that he was actually intelligent and I saw it regardless if he felt no one else did. I admitted to him that I knew he was bored in the groups and the reason he was in mine was because I was the only counselor with the energy and patience for him but that wasn't a bad thing. I told to stop selling himself short and give himself a chance. He stared at me.... After a few awkward moments he told me he never thought of the numbers that way and that it sounded like the voice of experience. (I left that comment alone) He also told me that his mom was never home so he was never home and that no one had ever told him that he was intelligent. I told him that I saw something in him I saw in myself at a younger age being young, angry, frustrated, and really just self destructive. I told him I'd keep his secret and protect his tough guy rep if he gave me a chance and worked with me rather than against me that summer. That day I took him to lunch at McDonald's and after saw a great change in him even smiles and laughter. Here was a smart kid that just needed someone to believe in him. I never saw him again after that summer but I got a call a few years later from the church organization telling me that he had come looking for me and that he did in fact graduate high school and was currently working a construction job. I can't say that was my influence that caused this change in one troubled boy from SE but it warms my heart to think so.

I found this hilarious this is a repost black americans and their ignorance i don't agree with all of his points but there are some great points here read read read

Are Black Americans Stupid?

I have been out of America for years, now. I can honestly say that when you leave American society, your mind and emotions began to heal. Your actions and thoughts begin to correct themselves. When you don’t watch the bs on TV, eat fast food, or listen to brain dead music on the radio, slowly, your “negro” programming wears off. Your taste buds change. Even the smell of your skin.
I met a rasta a few years ago at a bar. We sat for a while, had a few drinks, and in the middle of the conversation, he told me that I had the mind of a white man.
What the hell!?
I’m the most militant, pro-black person I know. How could he say that? I was offended. Years later, I understand what he meant. Before I get into that, let’s talk about MOST black people in America.
Niggas love being niggas, So much so, that they strive to be REAL niggas. They take pride in saying,”I am a real nigga”. Really? That was your goal in life? To be a real nigga?

Well, it was mine. In fact it, I took pride in knowing my friends considered me a real nigga. Ok, before some “real niggas” go into an explanation of what they think the term means for them in 2014, think about what you are saying.
You are calling yourself a nigga. You are proud of it, and making excuses for doing so. Also, before some other smart nigga tells me it means Negus, please. Stop. I know all about that, and that is not how it is used by people, today. Let’s not make excuses. There is no excuse for calling yourself a nigga. Speaking of excuses, I will explain the need for black Americans to constantly make excuses for stupidity, in a minute.
If you have no problem with referring to yourself a nigga, then you have no problem referring to your woman as a bitch. Now, before some real bitches go into an explanation of what they think the term bitch means for them in 2014, think about what you are saying. You are classifying yourself as a bitch, a female dog, and you are proud of it. Slave masters called black women bitches, because we were bred like dogs and animals. Think about what you are calling yourself. There is no excuse for that.
Why are black Americans proud to be referred to with derogatory terms? That’s stupid.
I have a woman that I see from time to time that is Haitian. She works hard and lives modestly. The money she makes goes to her children and family. I doubt that the most expensive thing she wears cost more than $50. She takes care of herself and her appearance is always immaculate. Her salary is 10 times more than the average Haitian, yet her purse, shoes, and clothes look like they came from a thrift shop. But when we go out to dinner and she pulls out all the money she has in that ugly cheap ass purse, it’s beautiful.
I have found that most non Americanized black women are more concerned with character than money and appearance.
Most black  American women will live in the projects, but wear the most expensive clothes they can buy. Hair done. Nails did…as they say. Eye brows arched.Why? You live in the damn projects. Your priority should be saving your money to move OUT of the damn projects, not looking fresh in the club to impress some other broke people…who live in the projects. Thats stupid.
I met this woman at a club in DC. In the club she was beautiful. A week later I invited her out to dinner. When I walked into her house, I rebuked it in the name of Jesus. It was filthy! Yet, her clothes were expensive. Think about those priorities.
And by the way, weaves stink. Most men will not tell you that, but that shit smells horrible.
Black men will brag about having sex with a lot of women. I used to do that. I thought it was a symbol of manhood. I was stupid. There is nothing cool about that. It is a mentally that has been carried over from the slavery days. A young black buck was praised for how many women he could impregnate for massa. We are still impregnating our women for massa.
When you get a black woman pregnant, and leave her to raise the child alone, you are doing exactly what they want you to do. That child will grow up to feed the private prison system, the pharmaceutical companies by issuing him drugs to control his behavior, or he will join the army, and fight and die in wars that have nothing to do with him or his liberation.
I use social media as little as possible. One reason is, I can’t deal with stupid people. If you subscribe to the Kaperville Twitter account you will see that it has cobwebs on it. I am lucky to have someone else handle our Facebook page, but from time to time, I go on there and I see the dumb shit black Americans post.
Listen, you do realise that those pictures are stored forever, right? You do realise that when you post your bare ass, or send pictures of your dick hanging out they can track it right back to you, right? Of course you dont. If you do, and you still do it, then you are stupid, and that’s the point I’m trying to make. Thanks.
 Black Americans love posting their fat stankin asses, and their ashy dicks online for the world to see, and have no shame about it. They crave attention, and will jump on you, and call YOU stupid for pointing it out. See how stupid that is?
Why do black people make excuses for their lack of action? This is to the so-called conscience black community. I was reading a conversation Ms. Kaperville was having, and the person kept mentioning that the problem with the “black community” was that we were not coming together “as a people”. Ms Kaperville told the person to not worry what the black community was doing, and to just do the right thing for himself.
The person came back with excuse after excuse for not taking action. I don’t think black people really want to do anything. I think they enjoy TALKING about doing something, but when it comes down to action, they seem to always be waiting for someone else to lead them, or go first.
Black Americans like to “one up” each other. You know where that comes from? The crab mentality. No one accomplishes anything, because everyone is trying to one up each other. That’s stupid.

The cycle of ignorance. You hear me mention that all the time. Black Americans seem to be locked in a self-sustaining cycle of stupidity. Women post pictures of their flabby asses online, because dumb thirsty men will give them attention, and dumb thirsty men give them attention because they are posting their stankin’ asses online. See how that works? It’s like a renewable energy source of ignorance.
Black Americans love talking. Thats all they do. Talk. Oh! And march. Do you see how those white people in Nevada came together and stopped the government from taking that rancher’s cattle? Yeah. That was some real organisation. That was real action. If it had been a black person, Al Sharpton would have showed up and black Americans would have been marching around the desert singing “We Shall Overcome”. Black Americans settle. They love the illusion of action. They love to say they are a part of “something”. That “something” does not actually have to be accomplishing anything, just as long as it has a logo and a slogan, they are fine.
Look at the Trayvon Martin murder. Zimmerman is free. Walking around and signing autographs. No one is marching for Trayvon, anymore. You wanna know why? Because Black Americans didn’t care in the first place. It was just some shit to do, and black men only kill each other. They will kill you for stepping on their shoes, but Zimmerman is still walking around.They should have burned that courthouse to the ground, dragged Zimmerman to the nearest tree, and…nah. That would have actually been doing something. That would have been making a real statement. Marching and wearing hoodies is much easier.
The fact that Black Americans got the chance to march was good enough for them. Not for those people in Nevada. They wanted justice and they were not leaving until they got it. Black Americans don’t have that kind of resolve, and the government knows it. We settle. We make deals. We hold conferences, and rallies, and at the end of the day, all we ask for is to be equal. Give me a break.
How can you ask for equality from a system that has shown you time and time again it does not give a damn about you? That’s stupid.
Are black Americans stupid? Only a stupid person would let his enslaver teach their children. Only a stupid person would join the military of the same people that enslaved them. Only a stupid person would follow the religion of a people that used that same religion to justify enslaving them. Only a stupid person prays to a God that looks like the people that enslaved them.
Only a stupid person would beg to be considered equal to a people who has shown they have no compassion for human life, the poor, children, prisoners, drug addicts, other cultures, women, sovereign nations, the environment, and so on. Why would I want to be considered equal to them? If anything, I would fight to NOT be considered equal to them. But not black Americans. They fight and march to take on his values, go to his schools, eat at his restaurants, beg to be apart of his sytem, fight for his causes, and promote his agendas like Planned Parenthood, even to their own detriment. 
Are black Americans stupid? We glorify killing each other in our music, and it sells millions of copies. How stupid does a people have to be to love music that glorifies death and violence? How STUPID do you have to be to enjoy songs about people selling drugs? Do you see how stupid that is? 
Are black Americans stupid? We know pork, fried food, fast food, and soft drinks are bad for us, but eff it. We’ll eat it anyway…AND WE KNOW IT’S KILLING US!
Are niggas stupid? I can say niggas now because, niggas don’t read. I can say anything I want, and don’t have to worry about offending them. Niggas scrolled through, and looked at the pictures. I could have put the cure for cancer in this article, and niggas would never know it.
But seriously. Niggas don’t read. Unless it is about sports, religion, or celebrities.
I did not write this to offend you, but to make you think. I have to say that because black Americans are emotional, and have a need to refute, debunk, debate, and counter everything you say.
Well, refute this.
Black Americans complain about living in a police state and injustice, but what are they doing about it, besides marching, praying, holding rallies, and joining groups that have never done a damn thing for them?
Hold on. That was way too complicated. Black Americans will start making excuses about us coming together “as a people” before anything can change.
Let me try it this way.
YOU complain about living in a police state and injustice, What are YOU doing about it besides talking, marching, praying, etcetera? What are YOU doing to make sure your children get a real education? What are YOU doing to make sure your family eats real food and not this GMO garbage? What are YOU doing about crime in your neighborhoods, besides waiting on the police thugs to come in and do something about it?
Here is something you can do, right now.
Black people make excuses because that is the easiest way to justify not doing anything. Until we run out of excuses, nothing will happen.
If YOU aren’t going to do anything, then stop complaining. Only stupid people do that.

My little Pony

So I was reading an article about a young 7 year old boy who received a My Little Pony Sweat shirt for Christmas. When he was asked if he would wear it to school the young boy's response was "I think it will make the other kids uncomfortable." What astounded me is that a 7 year old boy knew and realized that if he wore it to school he would have issues. In a related article a 9 year old boy went to school with a My Little Pony backpack and was then bullied for carrying it. The school rather than interfere and keep this child safe from bullies they instead forbade the boy from returning to school with the backpack dubbing it a "trigger" for bullying. This is absolutely ridiculous that a school rather than protect this student and his desire to express himself or discipline these boys they basically blamed the child for being inviting this harassment. In a country where gender roles are switched daily, bills and household chores distributed equally regardless of gender and rather than use these instances to educate their students on tolerance and acceptance. A boy in the sixth grade attempted suicide behind being bullied for liking My Little Pony. This is a big red flag to parents and child . developers everywhere. In a day and age when girls being tomboys is accepted as normal. They call these young girls "athletes" "rough and tumble" even "independent" or "stubborn" but if a young boy expresses any thing outside of macho man ideals they're bullied. This concept makes my hand spin one is okay the other is not yet you can turn on the TV and see RuPaul's Drag Race, Queer eye for the straight Guy, numerous movies starring Queen Latifah even outwardly homosexual politicians. Not to say if a male watches My Little Pony he's headed down a path to homosexuality no, not at all. Why can't we let these young boys blaze their own path it's not like it  comes on a channel ONLY FOR GIRLS.When I was little my favorite shows were Power Rangers, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Captain Planet, Batman, Streetsharks, and the like. All these shows were majorly watched by boys but i wasn't bullied for it. If I was harassed for my Power Rangers backpack or PJs I don't recall it because every altercation I had in school was dealt with by the administration and I wasn't bothered again and this in 1994. So why is it 20 years later we're still struggling as a people  to just let boys be boys and protect our children from bullies because in the end it isn't their fault it's the bullies and the bullies need to be corrected. These stigmas around young male masculinity need to be corrected because at this point I feel we are sending the wrong message to our youth.

Sunday, April 13, 2014


Okay so I would like to first take a moment to tell my readers out there I appreciate you taking time to read my blogs. It's like pulling teeth to get my own friends to proofread my work and you all take time out of your day for me so thank you.
That being said I have a public service announcement to all of you who dine out and have never worked in the service industry. 10 things you may or may not know
1. The standard rate of pay for your server or bartender is 2.13 an hour. This rate has not been raised in over 20 years so as cost of living has increased pay has not.
2. 15% is not considered a good tip, it was in 1955 it is not now. Matter fact 15% is actually growing into the being cheap category. 18% is  a good place to start mind you start.
3. If you can't afford the service then do not go out, so you go out to eat because a. you don't want to cook b. you don't want to clean c. You're lazy and can't cook (its okay more people than you realize can't cook for a dam) point is you're dining out for a service, an experience, and convenience so TIP like you did!!! If you had a great experience, a great server show your appreciation and don't stiff the server because you don't see the necessity again 2.13 an hour.
4. There's a lot more going on than you realize.  In some places that server or bartender also cleans bathrooms, runs, food, stocks, inventory, cleans up your mess and sets your pretty  little table so that you may enjoy a good meal peacefully again at 2.13 an hour
5. There are NO paychecks meaning that 2.13 an hour 90% of the time is ate up in taxes and servers usually receive a check every two weeks reading 0.00 yea take that to the bank.
6. If you are needy and obnoxious and you know who you are throw a little extra it keeps from crushing your server or bartenders spirit as well as gauruntees good service on your next visit trust they may not remember your name but they remember if you were good to them.
7. If you walk out on your tab the server/bartender pays for it not the establishment so if you run out on a 50$ tab it may or may not be discounted 50% but either way it's coming out of that staff members pocket and in that instant you robbed them of hours of works yes 25$ on a slow night can easily amount to 3 hours of work.
8. Nothing is as clean as you hope but if you're dining out you're taking that chance.
9. Not all circumstances are within your serve/bartenders control.
10. Respect individuals no one chooses to receive 2.13$ an hour to be treated as a slave ...really have some class.