Sunday, April 13, 2014


Okay so I would like to first take a moment to tell my readers out there I appreciate you taking time to read my blogs. It's like pulling teeth to get my own friends to proofread my work and you all take time out of your day for me so thank you.
That being said I have a public service announcement to all of you who dine out and have never worked in the service industry. 10 things you may or may not know
1. The standard rate of pay for your server or bartender is 2.13 an hour. This rate has not been raised in over 20 years so as cost of living has increased pay has not.
2. 15% is not considered a good tip, it was in 1955 it is not now. Matter fact 15% is actually growing into the being cheap category. 18% is  a good place to start mind you start.
3. If you can't afford the service then do not go out, so you go out to eat because a. you don't want to cook b. you don't want to clean c. You're lazy and can't cook (its okay more people than you realize can't cook for a dam) point is you're dining out for a service, an experience, and convenience so TIP like you did!!! If you had a great experience, a great server show your appreciation and don't stiff the server because you don't see the necessity again 2.13 an hour.
4. There's a lot more going on than you realize.  In some places that server or bartender also cleans bathrooms, runs, food, stocks, inventory, cleans up your mess and sets your pretty  little table so that you may enjoy a good meal peacefully again at 2.13 an hour
5. There are NO paychecks meaning that 2.13 an hour 90% of the time is ate up in taxes and servers usually receive a check every two weeks reading 0.00 yea take that to the bank.
6. If you are needy and obnoxious and you know who you are throw a little extra it keeps from crushing your server or bartenders spirit as well as gauruntees good service on your next visit trust they may not remember your name but they remember if you were good to them.
7. If you walk out on your tab the server/bartender pays for it not the establishment so if you run out on a 50$ tab it may or may not be discounted 50% but either way it's coming out of that staff members pocket and in that instant you robbed them of hours of works yes 25$ on a slow night can easily amount to 3 hours of work.
8. Nothing is as clean as you hope but if you're dining out you're taking that chance.
9. Not all circumstances are within your serve/bartenders control.
10. Respect individuals no one chooses to receive 2.13$ an hour to be treated as a slave ...really have some class.

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